Ballad Measure
Type: | | Structure, Metrical Requirement, Rhyme Scheme Requirement,
Stanzaic | |
Description: | | Ballad measure is a four-line stanzaic form usually rhymed
abcb and consisting of alternating tetrameter and trimeter lines. It can be accentual-syllabic, as iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, or it can be podic
with variable numbers of unaccented syllables. Ballads often have a refrain, burden, or chorus. | |
Schematic: | | a4
Where the numbers represent the number of feet in a line. | |
Rhythm/Stanza Length: | | 4 | |
Examples: | | | |
See Also: | | Accentual-Syllabic Verse, Common Measure, Epic, Fourteeners, Narrative, Podic Verse, Quatrains | |
Status: | | Incomplete | |