Type: | | Structure, Metrical Requirement, Rhyme Scheme Requirement, Other
Requirement, Isosyllabic, Stanzaic | |
Description: | | Pronounced coss-BUYer-dne, this is an Irish syllabic form. The verse is a quatrain composed of seven syllable
lines. Beyond that, the form gets rather messy.
- These lines have trisyllabic endings. (Rhymes go across three syllables: higgledy, piggledy, but usually real words)
- Lines two and four rhyme.
- Line one consonates with two and three consonates with four.
- There are at least two cross-rhymes per couplet, although they can be off true in the first couplet. These cross-rhymes might appear anywhere between the second and fourth syllables. (As indicated in the
schematic by the italicized letters.)
- The final syllable of line four alliterates with the preceding stressed word.
- Like most Celtic forms, the end should be the beginning in syllable, word, phrase, or line. (See Dunadh link below.)
My thanks to Professor Lewis Turco for clarifying this definition. | |
Origin: | | Irish | |
Schematic: | | x x b x (x x ac)
x a x x (x x bc)
x x x b (x x dc)
x x c x (x x bc) | |
Rhythm/Stanza Length: | | 4 | |
See Also: | | Dunadh | |
Status: | | Incomplete | |