Type: | | Structure, Metrical Requirement, Rhyme Scheme Requirement, Other
Requirement, Stanzaic | |
Description: | | Supposedly pronounced jay VEE, this is another Irish quatrain form. Here are the rules:
- The form is a stanzaic quatrain form.
- All lines have seven syllables.
- Two words alliterate in each line.
- In line four, the final word alliterates with the previous stressed word.
- There are at least two cross-rhymes between lines three and four.
- The two couplets have light rhyme, meaning that the first rhyme word is accented and the second is unaccented. (Masculine and feminine: press and address)
- The poem (not the stanza) should end as it began, with a word, phrase or line the same. (Dunadh)
| |
Origin: | | Irish | |
Schematic: | | xáxxáxa
a, b = Light rhyme.
á, é, ó, ú = Alliteration.
c, d = Rhymes binding the couplet.
(úb) = the final word that has a feminine ending
rhyming with the previous rhyme and alliteration with
the previous stressed word. | |
Rhythm/Stanza Length: | | 4 | |
Status: | | Incomplete | |