Type: | | Structure, Metrical Requirement, Repetitive Requirement, Rhyme
Scheme Requirement, Stanzaic | |
Description: | | Momo-rhymed tetrameter quatrains with a half-line repeton
in the fourth line of each quatrain, making the last line a repeated dimeter phrase that rhymes with the other lines. | |
Attributed to: | | Michael Walker | |
Schematic: | | Meter: xX xX xX xX,
Xx Xx Xx Xx,
Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx,
or similar tetrameter.
Rhyme: aaaa bbbb cccc, etc.
Example in iambic:
xX xX xX xA
xX xX xX xA
xX xX xX xA
rR rA rR rA
Where rR rA is the repeton repeated in the fourth line. | |
Rhythm/Stanza Length: | | 4 | |
Reference: | | Reference Link | |
Status: | | Incomplete | |