Ballade Supreme
Type: | | Structure, Metrical Requirement, Repetitive Requirement, Rhyme
Scheme Requirement, Isosyllabic | |
Description: | | Very much like the Ballade, but it is longer with a
slightly different rhyme scheme to accomodate the extra lines. | |
Origin: | | French | |
Schematic: | | ababbccdcD ababbccdcD ababbccdcD ccdcD
D is a repeating refrain that rhymes with the "d" lines.. | |
Starting Point: | | As with the ballade, it is very important to have very
flexible rhyme sounds. A word like "orange" will not work. | |
Rhythm/Stanza Length: | | 10 | |
Line/Poem Length: | | 35 | |
See Also: | | Ballade, Chant Royal, Dizain, Double Ballade Supreme, Double Refrain Ballade Supreme, Envoy | |
Status: | | Incomplete | |